

Model:AC-1 (prod. code: 6C)

Style No.:D6603



Last:Barrie last

Size: 9 D

Shop:Alden of Carmel

Right after arriving Narita, the first message I saw on my iPhone was "a pair of Whiskey shell saddle shoes is available in your size..."   

When I was buying Alden long time ago, exotic shells were always assumed as "rare" but it was not very difficult to find unless seeking for special models.  Now the situation was totally changed.  Exotic shells are highly sought-after on the market and randomly calling or sending emails to shops became absolutely useless any longer.  

Even in such a situation, I was really lucky enough to receive an offer to acquire this beautiful shoes.

This Whiskey shell looks bit darker than previously produced ones but I believe this shoe is made of especially high quality flawless shell compared to other Whiskey shell shoes which I own.  Arrangement of each piece is well-designed to show the contrast of the Whiskey shade effectively.

The beauty of this shoe always makes me to hesitate to break in...

Alden of Tuck


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